"There could be no definition of a successful life that does not include service to others."

-George H.W. Bush


Sudarshan fighting Cancer to become an IAS officer

Patient Name :- Sudarshan

Location:- Bidar, Karnataka

Age:- 12 years

Diagnosed with:- T-cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

Case Description:- Sudarshan initially used to feel difficult to breathe and the doctors found that the entire left side of his abdomen was filled with water. They initially diagnosed it as TB and treatment was given. Later he was taken to Hyderabad where cancer was diagnosed. They then came to Shankara hospital through a friend. Sudarshan was studying in 7th standard when he was diagnosed with Cancer but that does not deter him from continuing to study. He aspires to become an IAS officer.

Sukruthi Charitable Trust’s Contribution:- Sudarshan’s father Parameswar is a mechanic in Bidar. He has an elder son who is 15 year old and hardly had any money left with him when they came to Shankara hospital. Shankara hospital supported his family by arranging funds through a number of NGOs. Sukruthi partnered with Shankara hospital to provide a chemo port for Sudarshan's treatment absolutely free of cost.