"There could be no definition of a successful life that does not include service to others."

-George H.W. Bush


About Us

Financially strengthening the impoverished sufferers of cancer and kidney disease.

Our Vision - What we wish to achieve
Our Vision - What we wish to achieve
Build a better world - one that's safer, healthier, and happier for our future generations
Our Mission - Why do we exist
Our Mission - Why do we exist
To use wealth to bring about lasting changes in the lives of the under-privileged, create an environment where every person has an equal opportunity to live a better life irrespective of their financial conditions. Nobody should suffer or be denied healthcare due to lack of money.
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Our Story
Sukruthi Charitable Trust was founded on 22 June 2021 by a normal middle-class couple Kavitha Nagarajan and BS Nagarajan as a kind idea of philanthropy for healthcare.
Birth of Sukruthi
Why Sukruthi? How is it different from other NGOs?
Our Pledge
Their journey of Philanthropy started several years ago when they celebrated their son’s 3 rd year birthday (2006) in a small orphanage along with other small children. The scale of suffering of poor people really moved them and exposed them to the harsh reality of the outside world. They slowly continued their journey by donating small sums of money, books, clothes, etc. to various NGOs. And they did not do this alone. Both were blessed with plenty of friends and relatives who were equally kind-hearted and joined hands with them to participate in various programs to help people living in extreme poverty.
Thereafter, whether it was supporting the education of children, providing medicines to old age homes, or organizing fundraising for flood relief victims, Kavitha and Nagarajan continued to be involved with this act of giving to the underprivileged for many years.
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Picture of the author
Birth of Sukruthi
During the Covid aid and relief work, they realized that innumerable people in India are deprived of basic essentials like food, shelter, education, and healthcare. But many of us are fortunate enough to have access to all these things needed for a fulfilling life. And more importantly, collectively we have significant resources at our disposal to easily meet the most basic needs of India’s poorest people many times over.
Philanthropy without scale and sustainability is like any other bad business that will simply wither & lose momentum. This is what led to the birth of the Sukruthi Charitable Trust.
Sukruthi means doing good.
Bhagavad Gita warns us "That charity is noble, of the highest quality (Satvik) where the giver does not expect anything in return and does not do it for personal pride and gain. Donations must go for a good cause, and those responsible (for administrating) are dedicated people of integrity."
Kavitha says "We are not doing this because of any kind of guilt or any need to create a public image for ourselves – we are not into public life, we are not celebrities. We are like any one of you and would like to remain so. But we are very passionate and strongly believe that personal wealth can / should be used constructively to solve the fundamental problems of mankind".
Why Sukruthi? How Is It Different From Other NGOs?
There are hundreds of charitable organizations in our country which are doing a splendid job in various areas.
"We like to do things a bit differently at Sukruthi," says Nagarajan. "And that is, focus on quality and not quantity. While it is highly desirable that we are able to support thousands of needy people, we want to focus on sustaining long-term support for a few hundred people rather than provide one-time support to thousands of people.
For instance, a person may need to undergo a one-time cataract surgery while another person may need dialysis for a period of 5 years before undergoing a kidney transplant. While both are absolutely genuine and important to those two people, our priority would be towards the person needing dialysis for 5 years".
We use a highly personalized approach to help needy patients. We have started our focus on Cancer and Chronic Kidney Disease to start with and plan to expand our reach to support patients with eyes, heart, and other ailments as well over a period of time.
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Picture of the author
Our Pledge
We have pledged a minimum of Rs. 25 lakhs of our personal wealth to be given to charity over 3 years. And we are making this pledge publicly not for recognition but for two important reasons–

1. To be committed & accountable to ourselves so that we don’t go back on our words someday in future.
2. To inspire and motivate others to think on the same lines and keep aside a portion of our earnings for charity.
Nagarajan adds "Giving is not only our duty but also a privilege. And we will do everything in our power to be transparent about our contributions".