"There could be no definition of a successful life that does not include service to others."

-George H.W. Bush



Thousands of people want to be involved with charitable organizations through donations. But there is a serious concern for the donors as whether those organizations spend the entire donation/charity amount on the cause they are promoting. So these days, people want to see if their money is well utilized & spent for the right cause.

At Sukruthi, we want to practice philanthropy with the highest levels of professional and ethical standards while ensuring complete transparency. This allows us to create long term and sustained trusting relationships with both our donors and beneficiaries.We believe it is our sacred duty to give confidence to our donors that their money is being put to good use, the one It was intended for. We want you and every member of the public to know as much as possible about how we operate and how carefully and effectively we use your donations.

The below graphs show you how every rupee donated to Sukruthi is being utilized for supporting the needs of the vulnerable sections of the society.