"There could be no definition of a successful life that does not include service to others."

-George H.W. Bush


Ideas for Giving

Make an Impact With Sukruthi

Many people want to contribute to society, but their busy and stressed lives keep them from stepping on-ground and rendering their support. The best way out here is to provide financial assistance to an organization that can work towards the betterment of the lives of the underprivileged. Sukruthi Charitable Trust is one such organization for you.

The most common queries our donors come with

Having come across thousands of donors, there are a few topics most of the donors struggle with. We will address your queries and help you in your philanthropic journey.

Some of you may be wondering “is this even a question?”. How does this matter? You are right. You can donate on any day, all through the year. There is so much need out there in the world around us that every single day matters.

Some people would write their contributions in their will. While it is welcome to give when you are no longer there, it also means that if you live forever (theoretically) you would never give it away. You would rather be remembered as the one who lived usefully than someone who died rich. You may want to spend it for a good cause while you are alive.

Having said that, most of us make our decisions to donate based on personal connections. The heart is as important as the mind in charitable giving. We need a trigger for everything in our lives. So below are some of those triggers for you to donate to charitable causes. Feel free to choose one or more of them based on what pleases your heart. But most importantly, do it today or as soon as you can.

Birthdays / Wedding Anniversaries of yourself, your spouse, children, parents, etc.
There is a wedding planned - either your own or one of your family members. Needless to say, a huge amount of money will be spent on the wedding for food, venue, gifts, etc. Great, a wedding is a memorable event in everyone’s life. While you spend so much, if you extend a little part of those expenses to charity, your wedding will be even more memorable.
You & your spouse were blessed with a healthy baby recently and your family members are elated over the new addition to your family. Think of those babies which are born with both their kidneys failed. Maybe you can spend some money on such babies to allow them to grow up and lead a healthy life in future.
In loving memory of your late parents/in-laws on their birth/death anniversary.
You just bought a new bike/car/home for yourself spending a huge amount of money. See if you can set aside a part of that expenditure towards charity.
We have plenty of festivals in India – Like Diwali, Pongal / Sankranti, Ugadi, Ganesh Chaturthi, Dussehra, Ramzan, Bakrid, Christmas, etc. – These are occasions on which we typically celebrate with family and friends. You could donate some amount of money on such days to allow someone else deprived of the joy of celebrating a festival smile.
You get a new job/promotion/salary hike in your company which gives you a significant jump in your earnings. You could donate some money to people who may not even have a job that pays them a decent living daily wage.
You may be a businessman who just bagged a big/prestigious contract which offers you the potential to earn huge profits. Think of someone who may not even be able to work due to an illness and donate some part of your profits.
You just spent a lot of money on some medical treatment in a private hospital for yourself or a family member. Some people are suffering from various health problems and they can’t even afford post-surgery medicines after receiving free treatment in Govt hospitals. You may want to help such people to recover and get their lives back on track.
You got your son or daughter admitted into a reputed private school/college recently incurring huge expenditure on fees, books, etc. Think of those people who do not have money to satisfy their hunger (they go to school bcos of the free meal they get) and donate towards their educational expenses.

This list can go on & on. Please note, you don’t have to be guilty of spending on any of the above events in your lives. You are entitled to have a good time for yourself and your family. After all, that is what we all earn for. All we are asking you to do is to keep in mind those people who do not have these privileges and show your compassion. That’s it.

This is probably the easiest question to answer. When giving to charity, the size of your donation directly correlates with the number of people you can help. But you don’t have to be a millionaire to make a difference. Even small donations have the potential to dramatically improve an individual’s quality of life.

The best use of money is not to make more money but to make money do more for the good of mankind. It doesn’t matter how much you give as long as you give something. Each person should donate what his / her heart says, not reluctantly or under compulsion.

Finally,Rigveda (verse – 3.24.5) says, “शतहस्त समाहर सहस्त्र हस्त सं किर” means earn with hundreds of hands and donate with thousands of hands. A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses. So be as liberal and as generous as you can.

As a donor, you may want to choose exactly where you want your contributions to go, you want to have an impact with your giving. If this is your first time donating, it might get a little overwhelming to find the best causes to get behind from the millions of causes out there in the world. There are causes ranging from education to climate change to nutrition to health care and many more. Some popular causes may already be getting a lot of resources. But what you may not know is that they have a greater need for funding as well. The most important factor to decide is - Which causes are you most passionate about? You should choose between multiple causes based on your values and donate to areas you're especially passionate about.

Today, Sukruthi is focussing on the below areas. We wish to do a lot more with your support and be a catalyst of positive change.

A cancer diagnosis for just Rs. 13,000

Early diagnosis of cancer focuses on detecting symptomatic patients as early as possible so they have the best chance for successful treatment. When cancer care is delayed or inaccessible there is a lower chance of survival, greater problems associated with treatment and higher costs of care. Early diagnosis improves cancer outcomes by providing care at the earliest possible stage.

Due to ignorance, fear, and social stigma many people present with stage III or IV cancer which requires surgery and extensive treatment. If detected early, then in most cases there will be less aggressive treatment and better chances of recovery. Early diagnosis includes several tests and procedures including imaging tests like PET/CT, MRI and bone scans or X-rays, to see if cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

Unfortunately, many people in India cannot afford the high costs of PET/CT scans resulting in delaying their cancer treatment. This is where Sukruthi can fund their diagnosis if you donate just Rs. 13,000.

Chemo Ports for just for Rs. 7,500

A chemo port is a small device that is implanted under your skin below the collar bone to allow easy access to your bloodstream. The advantage of this vein-access device is that chemotherapy medications can be delivered directly into the vein, eliminating the need for multiple needle pricks at every chemotherapy cycle. It can be used if you need transfusions of red blood cells or platelets. A chemo port is very beneficial to a patient because it decreases the anxiety of multiple pricks, decreases the chances of extravasation injuries and thrombophlebitis, leading to hassle-free treatments. A chemo port is now the standard practice of care all around the world for patients receiving chemotherapy. It helps the cancer patients by bringing ease and comfort for taking chemotherapy, thereby increasing the compliance for treatment, especially for children. But it is still quite expensive in India making it unaffordable for poor patients forcing them to go through chemotherapy without the chemo port. A chemo port would typically cost upwards of Rs. 25,000 in a private hospital in India but you can donate just Rs. 7,500 to Sukruthi who will make it available for the needy children.

Hemodialysis for adults/children for just Rs. 10,000 per month

There are two options for ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease) patients in India - Hospital-based Hemodialysis (HD) or home-based Peritoneal Dialysis [CAPD]. HD is the most common modality in India. In HD, the blood is filtered through a machine that acts like an artificial kidney and is returned to the body. HD needs to be performed in a designated dialysis centre. It is usually needed about 3 times per week, with each episode taking about 3-4 hours. ESRD patients need to undergo dialysis for several years before they get a transplant which could cost them anywhere between Rs. 15-20,000 per month. You can partner with Sukruthi to support a person to undergo HD for several years just by paying Rs. 10,000 per month.

Peritoneal Dialysis for children for just Rs. 18000 per month

With its ambulatory nature and freedom from complicated and expensive technology, peritoneal dialysis (PD) is the ideal renal replacement therapy for resource-poor India. While HD requires sophisticated infrastructure and human resources, PD is delivered at home by patients themselves or a caregiver and does not require infrastructure. Children typically need to undergo PD twice a day, every day of the month for the entire year and several years before they become eligible for a transplant. And it would cost anywhere between Rs. 20-25000 per month making it extremely difficult for them to afford this treatment. In most cases, the monthly income for such people will not be that much and spending it on the treatment of one child is unimaginable leading to child mortality. You can partner with Sukruthi to support a child to undergo PD for several years just by paying Rs. 18,000 per month. When you donate to Sukruthi, you are not just making a gift - you are transforming lives.